Dear Customers,
We are pleased to announce that girlythemes is having a ONE WEEK sale. All themes are $4.50 - Theme Sales does NOT include theme conversions. If a theme is not available for your device you will have to pay the full conversion fee. Use the donate button located on your right in the sidebar to pay for the theme you want. You must Include: A LINK TO THEME YOU'D LIKE, YOUR BLACKERRY MODEL, OPERATING SYSTEM, & EMAIL ADDRESS YOU'D LIKE YOUR DOWNLOAD LINK SENT TOO.
We have included a step by step checkout for those of you who might have issues.
1) click the donate button the right to pay $4.50 for the theme you'd like..
You will see this screen
2) Enter the amount of $4.50 and click Update Total, then login to your paypal account. If you do not have one the option is available to use your credit card on the left of the paypal login screen.
3) You will then be taken to this screen where you will add your notes.

4) After you have added A LINK TO THEME YOU'D LIKE, BLACKBERRY MODEL, OPERATING SYSTEM, & EMAIL ADDRESS you can submit your payment. We will respond and/or send your download link within 24hrs of purchase so please be patient.
All Sales are final and there will be no refunds given so if you are not sure remember to EMAIL AND ASK BEFORE YOU PURCHASE. Thanks for shopping with us.
xoxo, GIRLYthemes